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Monday, November 2, 2009

Great Money-Making Ideas to Start a Home-Based Business

Unless you are extremely wealthy or plain lazy or a millionaire's relative hoping to inherit a lion's share of the rich man's fortune, you will certainly wish you could add to your income. Not only to buy the basic necessities, but perhaps to have also some comforts and luxuries for life's enjoyment.

Don't just wish for additional income; do something to have it! And what's more, you can have an extra earning even while at home, if you'll only make a little "stretching" of your imagination and explore the many opportunities that surround you in your own abode.

Here are 3 Great Money-Making Ideas to Start a Home-Based Business:

1. STUDY SHORT COURSES - Maybe you are not a profound .thinker, but you've found tinkering with machines interesting. Then, that could also serve as a good source of additional income. Study short courses in television and radio repair, refrigeration and air-conditioning, or automotive mechanics. You can also enroll in, vocational schools or in colleges of arts and trades. Or enroll in correspondence schools which offer technical-vocational courses. After gaining the needed know-how, you can put a small shop in your house, and that will pave the way for having additional income.

2. OFFER SRVICES - Look around your community. Does it have an athletic or recreation club where both children and adults can indulge in some relaxing and wholesome activities? If there is none, start organizing one. Then offer lessons in various games and athletics. If you are not adept in these fields, seek the assistance of those who know. Pay them out of the fees that you will charge to the athletic club members and "customers." You retain some amount as a commission. A word of caution here: Be reasonable; don't charge exorbitant fees as this will drive away your "customers."

3. MAKE HOME-MADE JAMS - Another cottage industry with a "sweet smell of success" is the making of sweets, jams, jellies and other kinds of fruit preserves. Don't you notice that these are very salable in the markets, groceries and supermarkets? With the abundance of fruits in the country, you don't have to worry about the raw materials for this business. How can you learn the various processes of making these sweets and fruit preserves? Again, a number of government agencies and online schools conduct classes along this line.

You can have an extra earning even while at home if you'll only make a little stretching of your imagination, exploring the many opportunities that surround you in your own abode.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Jillsclickcorner Paid Me Again

Jillsclickcorner has been proofed as valid PTC. They paid me again for the fifth time, i have been jills member since two years ago. They are really good PTC and has been running for years. This quite easy for newbie for starting their online business.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

How to Earn Income While At Home

Have you not heard of the stories of successful businessmen who started their trade out of simple hobbies? Or some people who turned the seemingly insignificant things around their home into something useful and salable?

A case in point is the story of a former public school teacher who started making extra income when he became involved in landscaping and dish gardening. At first, he only contented himself in helping landscape the school grounds. Then through diligent study and practice, he metamorphosed into one of the country's best horticulturists. What was once a mere hobby has been turned into a lucrative business. Now he sells a single bonsai plant, which he makes at home, for as high as one hundred dollars!

Martha supplements her husband's income by making embroidered pillow cases. With just a little capital, she is able to augment the family income and help support the schooling of their children. How did she learn to embroider? She attended adult education classes which are being offered by a non-government organization in their local town. There are also classes that teach them to learn sewing, knitting, crocheting, interior decoration and cooking.

There is also one profitable cottage industry you can engage in to have an extra income. Raise quails or chicken in your backyard. If you have a limited space, quail-raising is preferable. Quail's meat is a gourmet's delight. You can also raise goats, rabbits, doves, or pets like lovebirds and white mice which are very much in demand. This is one type of cottage industry which is very much in demand, but the job of attending to this is not very demanding.

The habit of helping boost family income can be developed even among children. Tara has a nephew whom they fondly call the "very promising little businessman" who sells ice pop, which he himself makes, to his playmates in his neighborhood. At times, he also buys bars of chocolate in boxes, and then sells them in retail price to the neighbors. He makes an average net gain of six dollars daily, more than enough for his school expenses. Is this not sound business?

Study methods and processes of making home-made items or raising vegetables and animals. For sure, you won't regret engaging in these productive activities. Who knows, by just planting peanuts in your yard, you can be a wealthy and famous man. Of course, these extra earnings will go to nuts if you won't learn how to save. Develop the habit of saving. Again, is not saving a way of earning, too?